Altar Server Banner

Altar Servers

Organizer: Gisela Koehl

Contact Info: Parish Secretary Ext. 21 or

Thank you for visiting the Altar Servers section of 
St. Luke's Web Site.
A big WELCOME to all our new Altar Servers. Thank you for joining us. Check here for information on Altar Server meetings, new Altar Servers and upcoming events.

It is a great experience being an Altar Server!

Altar Servers play a very important role in our Eucharistic​ celebration every week. Our duties include carrying the cross at the head of the procession to the altar and processing with the acolytes at gospel time and at the receiving of the gifts. We bring the water and wine to the priest before the consecration. We also assist the priest at "the washing of the hands". We look after the ringing of the bell at the appropriate times. During other special services, Confirmation, and Easter Vigil for example, we are required to perform various other important duties. Our presence at Mass is very important to our parish.

Girls and boys grade 3 and up interested in joining please contact Gisela at, we would love to have you join us.