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NEW Online Programs & Opportunities

Przesłane : Apr-23-2021

Good Evening Brothers & Sisters,
With this latest stay-at-home order preventing us from being able to physically come together in prayer and worship of our Lord, we still want to find ways for us to continue our journey as a disciple of Christ and spreading His good news!  Even after the stay-at-home order has ended, we still have COVID in the world.
So, starting May 11th you are the first to learn about these NEW programs and opportunities for you, your friends and family to go deeper in your relationship with God (CLICK HERE for details):
  1. Pray the Rosary Together: Join us praying the Rosary 30 minutes before each event offered
  2. Lectio Divina: Divine Reading
  3. Bible in a Year Series: Following the widely popular Ascension Presents Podcast
  4. The Search Series by FORMED: A program designed to enkindle wonder as it takes people on a journey through life’s enduring questions
  5. Summit: Dive deeper into the Sunday readings
  6. Edge: Small Group Guide on Family
Plus, there is still more to come! So stay tuned by following us on our NEW Website, IG, FB and/or MyParish App!!!
Please feel free to invite your friends and family, as these are all offered online.
Please contact Alan Lee Hoy at if you have any questions.
God bless & Stay Safe.