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Updates to the WorshipSafe Protocols Taking Effect on Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Publié : Feb-25-2022

  • All capacity limits, including physical distancing requirements, are removed from churches and parish halls. Parishes may wish to continue with distancing at Holy Communion as a best practice for a period of time.
  • Indoor mask use is still required for those over the age of two (limited medical exemptions apply)
  • Holy Communion on the tongue can resume, but those receiving Holy Communion on the tongue should ideally be at the end of the Communion line
  • The kiss of peace is still discouraged at this time. A bow, or wave should continue to be used as an alternative
  • Holy water fonts can be refilled. Prayer books, hymnals, magazines, bulletins and votive candles can return to the church, if they have not already
  • Altar servers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion can return to pre-pandemic duties
  • Choirs and cantors still must be masked or three metres/nine feet from anyone else
  • Volunteers are not required to be vaccinated & proof of vaccination is not a requirement to enter Archdiocese of Toronto churches
  • Baptisms can return to pre-pandemic practices
  • Confessionals and confession rooms can reopen, provided that both parties are masked
  • The use of hand sanitizer upon entry to the church is now optional. Product will continue to be provided for anyone wishing to use it.
  • Use of hand sanitizer before the distribution of Holy Communion remains a best practice and is encouraged. It is still recommended that health and hygiene signage remains posted in parishes at this time
  • Meetings in parish halls may resume – mask use is required
  • Contact tracing and online Mass registration systems are no longer required. Parishioners should be encouraged to continue self-screening for Covid-19 symptoms and stay home if they have any symptoms